- ha ha
- RT @jojjeols: Taiwan is one of only two countries in all of Asia with free press. Still, democratic countries are isolating it ou… https://t.co/AyXl1ddsEh 09:46:47, 2018-08-26
- RT @sullivanamy: As you hear allegations about Pope Francis, know that: a) they should be investigated thoroughly, and b) this is pa… https://t.co/KSQYBvuZDb 11:17:29, 2018-08-26
- RT @iowahawkblog: goodbye to evil, indeed https://t.co/sBL3rK7Tkf 12:08:17, 2018-08-26
- RT @KathsBurgess: This story took more than a year for me to report. That’s not including the time several reporters spent on the sto… https://t.co/GSInWWNwQz 17:08:45, 2018-08-26
- The question facing Chinese diaspora: for love of country or party? https://t.co/70QkjSaVys 19:51:08, 2018-08-26
- Hey, I’m playing a game called HQ Trivia. You should play too. Use my code 'alxchn' to sign up https://t.co/No4hXrqn0n 20:13:43, 2018-08-26
- just won $0.40 on HQ trivia. haha 20:17:27, 2018-08-26
- @DanRubenstein https://t.co/o0e0jsTeTq in reply to DanRubenstein 20:57:40, 2018-08-26
- RT @meghara: Got a note recently from a foreign tourist who went to Xinjiang to visit some Silk Road historic sites. He stayed a… https://t.co/f4p5qMAytX 21:35:04, 2018-08-26